Women Who Code: Anniversary Mixer At Intellisoft

Picture of group of female colleagues

Intellisoft was honored to host a mixer for the 3rd anniversary of Women Who Code Greenville. Women Who Code is the world’s largest and most active community devoted to inspiring women to thrive in the technology industry. We have bought into the vision and are very proud to be aligned with what this group is accomplishing.

Caroline Payne, a support analyst at Intellisoft and a member of Women Who Code Greenville, said “I was so excited to have an environment where I can be supported by other women in the industry and to know that I am not on my own. Women Who Code is doing some great things in the Upstate and across the globe, and I’m proud to be a part of their mission.

Pamela Wood Browne, one of the directors of Women Who Code Greenville, said “The mixer was amazing. We truly enjoyed getting together at the Intellisoft campus. It’s always exciting when we can partner with a local company that shares in our vision and wants to help us accomplish our goals. This event helped bring our community closer and helped encourage the members in their career paths.” We would like to give a big thanks to the Women Who Code Greenville leadership team for allowing us to partner with their network.

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